Brave Amethyst Necklace
The only jewellery you and your child will ever need! Our Amethyst Warrior Necklace.
Handcrafted necklace made from 100% Natural A Grade Amethyst to turn your worrier into a WARRIOR!
If you or your child have things that you are worried about, give yourself the gift of an Amethyst Warrior Necklace.
*Comforting for during times of stress or worry
*Reduces the tension & stress that comes from worrying
*Helps you remain calm and focused
*A daily reminder for you and your child that you are WARRIORS!
Available for children in 34cms, 36cms, 40cms and the all new 50cms adult size!
Size Guide: We recommend the following sizes as a rough guide:
34cms: Ages 3-5
36cms: Ages 6-8
40cms: Ages 9-Teen
Please note: Due to the nature of Amethyst, beads will vary in depth of colour. It is also recommended to remove your jewellery when bathing/showering to protect the integrity of the thread.